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Lör: Q Wolkians

Lördags-Q. Lite nya kombos o movs.

3 glada o starka Q:are.. 🙂

En liten “lagom-runda”. ( Ni som kör vet, tryck, puls, styrka, balans o core.)

Sjöblött o matta mao hehe

Q Wolkiens

Q Wolkians

Warmup: BW Complex

Quad 20- war- 3leg dog- crabswitch/tri  x


2 Rounds


KB tactical lunges n RDL  2-1  5/5

KB  dead Snatch – TGU – windmill 2/2


BBag  clean n squatjump

KB TB close pull n flag + cosack


BW alt rev pushups

KB monster s.hand swing L/R


Kneeing twist Rope slams  L/R

KB tabletop clean n walkdown/up



KB dbl situp x 2

BW ½ fr.kick L/R + s.leg situp n kick



Xtras: x 3

CB dbl swipe n crucifix

Calfes press

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